(External Health Checkup Results Submission Form)


The results of external health checkup should be brought directly to your campus’ Health Center.
However, if for whatever reason you are unable visit your campus’ Health Center, you may submit your results online after reading the following. Please fill out all required fields, upload your health checkup results and questionnaire, and click the Confirm Submission button.



The Health Center cannot issue a Certificate of Annual Health Examination or Certificate of Health based on the results of an external health examination. Please have such certificates issued by the institution that performed your health examination.

Once the form in this browser window has been submitted, further submissions cannot be processed from the same browser window.

If you need to send another submission following this one, please do so in a new window.

Fields marked with must be completed. Be sure to fill in or select as required.

    • 地区(Campus)
    • 学部・所属(Faculty / Affiliation)
    • 学籍番号・教職員番号(ID Number)
    • [半角数字:学籍番号8桁、教職員番号6桁]
      (Student ID: 8 digits | Faculty Staff ID: 6 digits)
    • 氏名(Name)
    • メールアドレス(E-mail Address)
    • [半角英数記号](half-width characters)
    • 確認(再入力)(Verify E-mail Address)
    • [半角英数記号](half-width characters)
    • 健診の種類(Type of Examination)
    • 健診結果のアップロード[PDF]
      Upload Checkup Results(PDF)
      Maximum Size:1M]
    • 健診結果をPDFでアップロードしてください
      (Please upload a PDF of your Checkup Results)
    • この送信フォームは、SSLサーバ証明書を使用しています。
      入力した文字列やファイルのデータは、通信が暗号化され、 慶應義塾内のサーバに送信されます。
      This form is secured using an SSL certificate.
      Your files and form submission will be encrypted and sent to Keio University servers.
    • 健診結果をフォームで送信することに同意する
      I agree to submit my health examination results through this form