Online Application for CEMS Exchange (Inbound) Students

This online application is for CEMS exchange students who have been nominated by CEMS Academic Partner universities to come to Keio University. In addition to the CEMS application you already sent to your home CEMS School, you must submit this application to Keio University as well as other required documents.

* Please enter standard English characters only. DO NOT use characters with accent marks (e.g. à, ç, ö), Chinese characters, etc.

* When you complete the online registration, a "confirmation e-mail" will be sent to your registered e-mail address. If you do not receive this confirmation, please re-enter your information on this online application.

* When the information you provided in this application has been changed (e.g., change of address, email address, telephone number, etc.), you must immediately inform Keio CEMS Office by emailing to

*Required fields (All except middle name)

Family name

   Should be spelled as it appears on you passport.

First name

  Should be spelled as it appears on you passport.

Middle name  Should be spelled as it appears on you passport.
Gender  Male    Female
Date of birth   e.g., 1986/01/25
Country of your home institution  
Home institution  
Do you need to obtain a visa to enter Japan?  Yes    No
Please indicate your Japanese proficiency.  None    Beginner  Intermediate    Advanced  Native 
Contact information (Present Address):
Mailing address Apartment/Street
Postal Code
Telephone number

[e.g., 81-3-5427-1798]
Please be sure to include the country code. 

E-mail address


Confirm e-mail address


Contact information (Permanent Address):  If your permanent contact is the same as your present address you provided above, you do not have to fill this section.
Mailing address Apartment/Street
Postal Code
Telephone number

[e.g., 81-3-5427-1798]
Please be sure to include the country code. 

Check and Submit